Drama Korea terbaru bertajuk The Great Doctor aka FAITH...di bawah ini adalah banner untuk drama tersebut. Drama TGD dibintangi oleh bintang pujaan saya zaman ini iaitu LEE MIN HOO. The great handsome young guy with genius talent (melambung giler pujianku! ada yang marah tak??).
Dan, gambar2 berikut ini saya pinjam dari internet (pak cik google laa..), sewaktu LEE MIN HOO sedang membuat penggambaran salahsatu babak untuk drama tersebut. Comel betul!!
The Great Doctor bakal ditayangkan kat Malaysia melalui saluran Astro ONE HD tak lama lagi. Sama2 kita menunggu jejaka kesayangan ramai ini beraksi.
Pencinta drama korea,
aynora nur
Drama Korea terbaru bertajuk The Great Doctor aka FAITH...di bawah ini adalah banner untuk drama tersebut. Drama TGD dibintangi oleh bintang pujaan saya zaman ini iaitu LEE MIN HOO. The great handsome young guy with genius talent (melambung giler pujianku! ada yang marah tak??).
Dan, gambar2 berikut ini saya pinjam dari internet (pak cik google laa..), sewaktu LEE MIN HOO sedang membuat penggambaran salahsatu babak untuk drama tersebut. Comel betul!!
Coretan disebalik tabir The Great Doctor aka FAITH:
- Lee Joon-Gi pada mulanya diangkat sebagai pelakon utama lelaki, tetapi disebabkan terikat dengan latihan ketenteraannya, dia terpaksa digugurkan.
- Artis Kim Hee-Seon, mengunjungi hospital di Gangnam, Seoul pada 8 Mei, 2012. Dia membawa peranan sebagai doktor dalam drama bersiri ini. Dia mempelajari beberapa teknik dengan doktor di hospital terbabit.
- Penggambaran "The Great Doctor" bermula pada 24 Mei 2012. Babak pertamanya dilakukan di Bongeun Temple di Seoul, Korea Selatan. Babak ini melibatkan aktor utamanya Lee Min-Ho yang memegang peranan sebagai Choi Young yang baru sampai pada zaman sekarang setelah dia berada di zaman Goryeo. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk membawa Dr. Eun-Soo (Kim Hee-Seon) balik ke zaman Goryeo.
- Aktor Ahn Jae-Wook membuat penampilan istimewa dalam episod permulaan ini dan akan memegang watak doktor juga. Penggambaran dilakukan di Hanyang University Guri Hospital di Guri, Korea Selatan. Ada lagi artis yang membuat penampilan istimewa iaitu Choi Min-Su.
Choi Young makes his way to the COEX building and walks into the medical convention area. He then enters a seminar room and sees a woman speaking to a large audience. The woman is Dr. Yoo Eun-Soo (Kim Hee-Seon). Choi Young believes that she must be the great doctor. No sooner than he makes his conclusion, Choi Young is quickly dragged out of the conference room by security guards and taken to a room to be interrogated. Choi Young then sees Dr. Yoo Eun-Soo walking through the convention hall on the CCTV monitors placed on the wall in the interrogation room. Choi Young then knocks down the security guards and makes his way back onto the convention center floor.After giving her seminar, Dr. Yoo Eun-Soo walked through the convention center floor, examining the latest surgical equipment that is on display. Choi Young then appears in front of her and asks her to go with him so she can treat someone that is gravely wounded. Yoo Eun-Soo refuses to go with the man that is dressed like a soldier from ancient times. Choi Young, not yet sure if she is the great doctor, takes out his sword and slashes the neck of a nearby man. Choi Young orders Yoo Eun-Soo to save the man. Yoo Eun-Soo is freaked out by Choi Young's actions, but her doctor instincts kicks in and she works to save the life of the man. Choi Young is now sure that Yoo Eun-Soo is indeed the great doctor and that she can save Princess Nogoog.At this time, the police storm into the convention hall floor and surround Choi Young and Yoo Eun-Soo. Choi Young then summons his own mystical powers to completely obliterate the police officers surrounding them. Choi Young takes Dr. Yoo Eun-Soo back to the temple, where the time portal exists. On the way there, Yoo Eun-Soo begs Choi Young to let her go, but Choi Young swears on his life that if she saves Princess Nogoog he will let her go back.When they exit the portal, Choi Young and Dr. Yoo Eun-Soo are standing in front of King Gongmin, his vassal and Choi Young's men. They all go to the inn where Princess Nogoog is nearing death.
The Great Doctor bakal ditayangkan kat Malaysia melalui saluran Astro ONE HD tak lama lagi. Sama2 kita menunggu jejaka kesayangan ramai ini beraksi.
Pencinta drama korea,
aynora nur

Wahhh cerita korea cmni la yg best2 ;D
ReplyDeletedoktor zaman dulu2
@Everything's Everythingssaya suka semua, tapi klu cerita lama depends on who is the hero & heroine, hihi
ReplyDeleteBoleh komen jika mahu, boleh LIKE jika suka. TERIMAKASIH.